Principal's Message

Welcome to École Sinclair Laird.
Named after a former Dean of McGill University, Sinclair Laird is first and foremost a place of primary education, where all are welcome and where all are expected to achieve.
We invite our students to write and to speak well in both French and English, to reason and reckon, to feel at home and to make responsible choices.
Our staff is engaged, professional and talented, working through the basic disciplines and programs like Phys-Ed, Mathematics, Music and STEAM to provide a safe and stimulating context for all students to discover and develop their talents, interests and skills, both technical and social.
As a community school, we take pride in the richness of our diversity and in the Montreal neighborhood affectionately named Park-Ex that has welcomed and served citizens from around the world for more than a century.
The Sinclair Laird ethos or culture is one of supportive caring and ambition, all in one.
This is not just a slogan. Our shared goal is to facilitate not only learning but excellence, and to help form young citizens of competence, confidence and commitment, who learn to give back.
And it is my great pleasure to be your Principal.